Mathematics (MTH)
Mathematics I (MTH105)
Week 1
Week 2
Week 3
Week 4
Week 5 (Exam)
Week 6
Week 7
Week 8
Week 9
Week 10
Week 11
Week 12 (Review)
Week 13
Mathematics II (MTH106)
Week 1 (Review of Mathematics I)
Week 2 (Review of Mathematics I)
Week 3
Week 4
Week 5
Week 6 (Review)
Week 7 (Exam)
Week 8
Week 9
Week 10
Week 11
Week 12
Week 13
Week 14 (Review)
Linear Algebra (MTH104)
1. Introduction
2. Vectors, Systems of Linear Equations
3. Linear Independence, Basis, Dimensions
4. Linear Transformations and Matrix Algebra
5. Dot Products and Orthogonality
6. Types of Matrices
7. Determinants
8. Change of basis
9. Eigenvalues and Eigenvectors
10. Dot product and Cross product
Differential Equations (MTH215)
Week 1
Week 2
Week 3
Week 4
Week 5 (Holiday)
Week 6
Week 7 (Review)
Week 8 (Exam)
Week 9
Week 10
Week 11
Week 12
Week 13 (Exercises)
Week 14 (Review)
Week 15 (Exam)
Probability and Statistics (MTH207)
Week 1
Week 2
Week 3
Week 4
Week 5 (Holiday)
Week 6
Week 7 (review)
Week 8 (exam)
Week 9
Week 10
Week 11
Week 12
Week 13
Physics (PHY)
Physics I (PHY107)
1. Physics and Measurement
2. Motion in One Dimension
3. Vectors
4. Motion in Two Dimensions
5. The Laws of Motion
6. Circular Motion and other Applications of Newton's Laws
7. Work and Kinetic Energy
8. Potential Energy and Conservation of Energy
9. Linear Momentum and Collisions
10. Rotation of a Rigid Object About a Fixed Axis
11. Rolling Motion and Angular Momentum
12. Static Equilibrium and Elasticity
Physics II (PHY108)
1. Electric Fields
2. Gauss's Law
3. Electric Potential
4. Capacitance and Dielectrics
5. Current and Resistance
6. Direct Current Circuits
7. Magnetic Fields
8. Sources of Magnetic Field
9. Faraday's Law
10. Inductance
11. Alternating Current Circuits
12. Electromagnetic Waves
Computer (COM)
Computer Programming I (COM103)
0. Scratch
1. C
2. Arrays
3. Algorithms
4. Memory
5. Data Structures
Electrical Engineering (EEE)
Basics of Electrical Engineering (EEE201)
Week 1 (bs)
Week 2 (bs)
Week 3
Week 4
Week 5
Week 6
Week 7
Week 8 (Exam)
Week 9
Week 10
Week 11
Week 12
Week 13
College Resources
Week 6
Neso Academy: Linear and Nonlinear Elements
Neso Academy: Superposition Theorem
Neso Academy: Superposition Theorem (Problem 3)
Neso Academy: Superposition Theorem (Problem 4)
Thevenin's Theorem
Neso Academy: Thevenin's Theorem
Neso Academy: Thevenin's Theorem (Problem 5)
Neso Academy: Thevenin's Theorem (Problem 6)
Norton's Theorem
Neso Academy: Norton's Theorem
Neso Academy: Norton's Theorem (Problem 3)
Neso Academy: Norton's Theorem (Problem 4)
Neso Academy: Norton's Theorem (Problem 5)
Source Transformation
Neso Academy: Source Transformation
Neso Academy: Source Transformation (Problem 1)
Zahi Haddad: Source Transformation
Michel van Biezen: Definition
Michel van Biezen: Example 1
Michel van Biezen: Example 2
Michel van Biezen: Definition
Michel van Biezen: Example 1
Michel van Biezen: Example 2
Michel van Biezen: Example 3
Michel van Biezen: Example 4
Thevenin's Theorem
Michel van Biezen: Definition
Michel van Biezen: Example 1
Michel van Biezen: Example 2
Michel van Biezen: Derivation
Norton's Theorem
Michel van Biezen: Definition
Michel van Biezen: Example 1
Michel van Biezen: Example 1, Alternative Method
Michel van Biezen: Summary
Michel van Biezen: Example 2
Michel van Biezen: Example 2, Alternative Method
Michel van Biezen: Example 3
Michel van Biezen: Derivation
Source Transformation
Michel van Biezen: Definition
Michel van Biezen: Example 1
Michel van Biezen: Example 2
Michel van Biezen: Example 3
Michel van Biezen: Example 4